Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Hypothesis and Research Design Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Hypothesis and Design - Research Paper Example According to findings, it is found that, ethical and moral decisions reached upon by software developers during software development, has an influence on how things and businesses in particular, are done and how people`s lifestyles adapt to this technological development (Salehnia, 2006). Studies concerning the ethical standards in view of the use of computers and its software, centers on critical issues such as; hacking, privacy, copyright protection, and piracy among other issues related to compute use and software. However, studies indicate that, there is little that research indicating if software developers experience ethical and moral decisions opportunities. Because of this, researchers have developed theories that may help in predicting and explaining ethical and moral behaviors. The theories put forward by researchers, as virtue ethics help social scientist and researchers in categorizing the human behavior basing on ethical and moral judgments. In some instances, an ethical theory like, ethics position theory, is used to categorize human behavior in a number of groups, which includes exceptionism, situationism, subjectivism and absolutism. Through this examination of software developers by applying the ethical position theory, was facilitated. This related to the decisions that software developers make during the process of software development, and a few hypothesis relating to it emerged, which guided further research in the area to unveil various issues. Concerning the above introductory discussion it essential to understand issues about ethics and morality in software development, with a user’s perspective. To tackle the issues well, it is critical to understand some factors involved, which is ethics, morality and software development, so that a good basis is formed to unveil the discussion critically. To begin with, software development is the process through which, individuals, a team or accompany invents and then implements the grant plan that helps to create a new software program (Quigley, 2008). The same process is applied in creating a new variety software. In the software development, many steps get involved to achieve the target plan. First, an understanding has to be made about what is needed, in terms of the purpose for developing the software. Secondly, the plan is then developed to create the software required to meet the purpose perceived, this done by writing the code and the bug test prior launching. The process of software development may involve one or many programmers, depending on the complexity of the software require achieving perceived results. At the initial stages, a research is mandatory to gain an understanding of the type of software that the market requires. The research is used to establish the real purpose of the software in meeting the market needs, in line with the overall goals set. On the other hand, ethics is perceived as the study of concept value in terms of right, good, wrong, or bad, as applied to actions concerning a group’s norms and regulations or rules. Basing on ethics and computer systems it is found that, computer software systems lie squarely in the heart of decision-making. This includes issues like data storage and manipulation, and data availability. Concerning the ubiquity of software systems in every area of private

Monday, October 28, 2019

Universal Motives Essay Example for Free

Universal Motives Essay What are universal motives? What are some examples of universal motives?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the aspect of psychology, scientist study and determine the behavioral characteristics of each individual based on their personal motives and interest On this aspect, human person basically react, decide, or simply act towards the achievements of their motives and interest. Thus, ensuring the achievement or the satisfaction of these factors can significantly motivate or encourage a person towards a certain reaction or behavioral conditioning. Because of which, the factor of motives and interest become an important factor in the determination of the behavioral pattern and characteristics of each individual.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the field of behavioral pattern and psychological characteristic, several factors are considered to be of universal nature as the general society display similar interest towards the achievement or satisfaction of these certain factors. Due to which, the scientific society established these factors to be universal motives as they are rooted in the innate needs and characteristics of the human behavior in general. Included in this category are the motives for food or survival, job for biosocial function, sex for reproduction and physiological pleasure, friends or family for social acceptance, bodily comfort, health, specific fears, and others. These motives are commonly shared by the universal human population or certain social regions thus, becoming a similar factor in the field of human behavior. The manifestation and development of these universal motives in each individual likewise become a unique characteristic based on the origin of these influences such as environmental factors, social inheritance, biological structures, and others. In general, these motivational factors are commonly shared by the human population giving them their universal characteristics.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The satisfaction of these universal motives are generally important in the behavioral modification and conditioning in the social perspective as these factors serves as the common interest of the people. Likewise, the achievement of these universal motives are essential as they are based on the basic needs of each individual in the physiological and biological nature thus, important for their welfare and survival. As such, considering these factors is important in understanding the human behavioral characteristics and patterns in both the individual and social perspective. Bibliography Gorman, Philip (2004). Motivation and Emotion. Routledge Publication. ISBN-10: 0415227704.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Do Rich and Poor Districts Spend Alike? :: essays research papers

Do Rich and Poor Districts Spend Alike? (NCES 97-916) Ordering Information The right to a free and public education has long been considered to be at the heart of the American ideal of equal opportunity for all. The importance placed on public elementary and secondary education services is reflected in an annual expenditure of approximately $250 billion. Given the magnitude of this investment, it is not surprising that there is also a great deal of interest in how these dollars are allocated to students. One result of this interest is a long Mitigative and research history examimng the relationship between access to public education resources and community wealth (e.g., Berne and Stiefel 1984). The purpose of this brief is to provide a direct view of this relationship across all of the school districts of the nation for the 1989–90 school year. These findings are based on a Research and Development Report (Parrish, Matsumoto, and Fowler 1995) produced by the National Center for Education Statistics. Since this research is intended to be developmental in nature, these resuks should be considered tentative and suggestive. Although different measures of community wealth and public education resources may be used, in this analysis community wealth is defined as the median income of the households located within school district boundaries./1 This measure of wealth is compared to three alternative measures of the resources available to public schools in the district. These are expenditures per student, expenditures converted to education "buying power," and the average number of students per teacher. The first measure is in actual unadjusted dollars; the second i s an estimate of the relative power of those dollars to buy education resources; and the third is a direct measure of arguably the most critical single education resource, the ratio of students to teachers. While dollars and students per teacher are direct measures of the actual resources received by students, "buying power" is a new concept currently under development by the education research community. These three measures represent a progression from the dollars available for students, to an estimate of the relative power of those dollars to buy education resources, to a direct measure of those resources. Districts with high-income households have more to spend for public education. Differences in public education spending are most pronounced at the extremes of median household income (figure 1). The average public education expenditure in districts serving students in the nation's poorest communities (i.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Insect Repellent and Investigatory Project Essay

We make this Project to be used as a Natural Insect Repellant. Aside from it is homemade, its ingredients can only be found in your background. It is not bad for the environment, it is not also bad for your skin if you use into it. For Lemongrass is a plant. Aside from the leaves and the oil are used to make medicine and some people apply lemongrass and its essential oil directly to the skin for headache, stomachache, abdominal pain, and muscle pain. By inhalation, the essential oil of lemongrass is used as aromatherapy for muscle pain. In food and beverages, lemongrass is used as a flavoring. It is also good ingredient in an insect repellant. Lemongrass leaves are also commonly used as â€Å"lemon† flavoring in herbal teas. In manufacturing, lemongrass is used as a fragrance in soaps and cosmetics. Lemongrass is also used in making vitamin A and natural citral. Lemongrass might help prevent the growth of some bacteria and yeast. Lemongrass also contains substances that are thought to relieve pain, reduce fever, stimulate the uterus and  menstrual flow, and have antioxidant properties. Garlic they help control bacterial, viral, fungal, yeast and worm infections. The chemical ajoene found in garlic may help treat fungal skin infections like ringworm and athlete’s foot. Angiotensin II is a protein that helps our blood vessels contract thereby increasing the blood pressure. Allicin in garlic blocks the activity of angiotensin II and helps in reducing blood pressure and such, it is also one of the best ingredients in an insect repellant for it smells strong and bitter that insects will avoid. Garlic is one of the best remedy in toothache, and aside from that it is also the best ingredient in an effective insect repellant. And alcohol can also be an ingredient of an insect repellant. If this four ingredients is combined, sure, they’ll gonna be a good product. A.)Background of the Study As an effective repellant, not only insects will avoid that object, its ingredients are all natural. You can only find it in your backyard. We are not only teaching them how to make an effective repellant, but we are also teaching them to be thrifty, save money and use the natural ingredients in the surroundings. There is a need to avoid the attacks of the destructive insects. B.)Statement of the Problems/Objectives An insect repellant is a solution to the attacks of the insects. Branded repellant has a strong chemical that might affect a person or a thing. There are many plants that can be used as a repellant which is safer. This study aims to answer the following questions: ïÆ'ËœIs that repellant really effective? ïÆ'ËœIs that repellant really natural? ïÆ'ËœIs that repellant cannot harm a person? ïÆ'ËœIs that repellant safe for the environment? C.)Significance of the Study The importance of this repellant is it makes the ant avoid such thing. The

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Piaget vs Vygotsky Essay

Initially the study of lifespan development rose due to Darwin’s desire to understand human evaluation (Boyd & Bee, 2006). Developmental psychology is concerned with the changes of people during their life span including motor skill changes, problem solving changes, moral understanding changes, but it is originally concerned with these changes during infancy and childhood (Boyd & Bee, 2006). Without any doubts, Jean Piaget (1896-1980) and Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934), are two major contributors who have affected developmental psychology with their theories on human development. According to Lerman (1996), Piaget and Vygotsky belong to two different traditions; Piaget belongs to the constructivism perspective that sees learning as construction and Vygotsky to the activity theory perspective that sees learning as an appropriation. According to Piaget, cognitive development results from the development of the brain, acquiring new abilities and experiences, thus he separated development into stages (as cited in Santrock, 2008). Piaget developed four stages the sensori-motor stage (0-2 years) where the infant is trying to make sense of the world, and acquires the development of object permanence (Shaffer & Kipp, 2007). The pre-operational stage (2-7 years) where language development, animism, egocentrism and the use of symbols hallmark this stage (Shaffer &Kipp, 2007). The concrete operational stage (7-11 years) where children start classifying objects and are able to conserve and think logically about objects and events (Shaffer & Kipp, 2007). And the formal operational stage (11 years and beyond) where children develop hypothetico-deductive reasoning and imaginary audience and believe in the uniqueness of oneself and one’s experiences (Shaffer & Kipp, 2007). On the other hand, Vygotsky developed his sociocultural theory indicating that cognitive development is promoted in a â€Å"sociocultural† context which influences the form it takes (Shaffer & Kipp, 2007). Furthermore, Vygotsky indicated that many of the child’s most important cognitive functions develop from social interactions with parents, teachers and other more competent associates. Moreover, Vygotsky elaborated his Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) where the child is the learner and can manage independently and the difference between what the children can learn with guidance of a more skilled and competent partner and expect further cognitive growth, by internalising the help of the skilled partner (Shaffer & Kipp, 2007). Starting on the debate and trying to shed light upon the different approaches on development from Piaget and Vygotsky, the differences on egocentric speech and language will be analyzed. Vygotsky in one of his main books published in 1934 â€Å"Thought and Language† wrote about Piaget â€Å"Psychology owes a great deal to Jean Piaget. It is not an exaggeration to say that he revolutionised the study of child language and thought† (Vygotsky, 1962, p.9). Though, even if he exalted Piaget he differed his approach around the concepts of egocentric speech and egocentrism. In line with Vygotsky (1962, p. 14-15), the outcome of the observations of Piaget led him to the conclusion that children’s speech can be divided only in two distinct entities, the egocentric speech and socialized speech. The difference between them is due to their functions, during egocentric speech the child talks only about him having no interest in other people and expecting no answers, whereas socialized speech attempts exchanges with other people. According to Vygotsky, the conclusions of Piaget showed that the majority of preschool children talk is egocentric, though when the child reaches school age, egocentric speech declines (Vygotsky, 1962, p. 16).Vygotsky differed his view from Piaget on egocentric speech believing that it has a specific function and this function other than its communicative role, it also serves as a thinking tool and as a tool to solve problems (Vygotsky, 1962, p. 18). Piaget and Vygotsky seem to agree that inner speech develops from egocentric speech which leads to logical thinking, though Vygotsky highlighted language as an apparatus of thought other than another way of expression. On the other hand, Piaget awarded to language a less significant role than Vygotsky toward the development of thought (Piaget, 1970). Moreover, Vygotsky praised the use of language and egocentric speech as thinking tools which promote development, but Piaget disagrees indicating that Vygotsky could not understand that egocentrism could be a main obstacle for learning, concluding that language can also reduce learning and development (Piaget, 1962). Another main issue where Vygotsky and Piaget collide is the role of the social and the role of the individual in learning. Piaget indicates that teaching is divided in two sides, the one is the rising individual, and the other side consists of social, intellectual, and moral values that the educator attempts to transmit (Piaget, 1969). Piaget’s aim was to make children capture the solution of the problem on their own strength, self-regulation, and their own experiences rather than receiving help from any rules or from a more skilled individual (Piaget, 1969). Thus, Piaget points out that learning is not social, and that the individual on his own entirely captures the surrounding knowledge. On the contrary, Vygotsky who belongs to the activity theory indicates that learning is an active process from the child’s perspective, and that the child can duplicate culturally accumulated knowledge with assistance from social support (Vygotsky, 1962). The outstanding difference in learning is that Piaget perceives the individual as the onset of learning and also children can learn through repetitive interaction and experience with the environment, moreover the egocentric speech serves as a tool for logical thinking, though it can also intricate the meaning (Piaget, 1969). On the other hand, Vygotsky is emphasising more that an individual (child) cannot produce knowledge and learn without the verbal interaction and activity of other probably more skilled individuals (Vygotsky, 1962). Thus, Piaget seems to combine and emphasise on both the individual side and the social side, whereas Vygotsky emphasises more on one side, the social side. Additionally, Vygotsky proposes that knowledge arrives from the outside, on the contrary though Piaget points out that learning lies on a child’s innate capability. Piaget was mainly affected from his biological roots which influenced his approach on human development, and Vygotsky was influenced by the Marxist tradition forming his own ideas about human development and that is where the foundational difference lies on these two approaches on the essence of humanness (Newman & Holzman, 1993). On the contrary to Piaget who has strongly settled in a biological worldview and asserts human development in the adaptation to the environment, Vygotsky emphasizes on the centrality of transformative collaborative practices by individuals who do not adapt to their environment but as a whole transform it, and through this transformation also alter themselves and acquire their own status and essence (Newman & Holzman, 1993). For Piaget what promotes cognitive growth is disequilibration, a revolution made from the connection of two elemental processes. Concurrences with the world were either adapted, assimilated to anterior existing mental functions, or prevailing functions were altered to accommodate them. According to Piaget, there is this double connection between assimilation and accommodation highlighting that this double connection leads to cognitive growth, but none of these two functions can serve on its own the purpose of cognitive growth (Bruner, 1990). On the other hand, Vygotsky did not attribute to the mind this logical calculus. For Vygotsky, the mind is determined to consist of processes for attributing experience with meaning. Vygotsky indicated that meaning does not entirely depend upon language but also on the ability to apprehend the cultural context where language is used (Bruner, 1990). Vygotsky believed that cognitive growth would be promoted by acquiring essential order culturally allocated symbolic structures, with each of these symbolic structures having the ability to blend or switch pre-existing knowledge (Bruner, 1990). Additionally, these essential orders are manufactured by culture and cognitive growth is not formed by the biological perspective unless they are aided by language and culture which rely upon endured social interactions. Piaget was mainly concerned with the balanced order of mental development, whereas Vygotsky was merely concerned with how other more skilled individuals or the society implement the cultural patterning that constructs the process of cognitive growth and makes development achievable. According to Vygotsky’s general genetic law of cultural development any function the childe displays during his cultural development will appear two times. Firstly, it will appear in the social stage and then on the psychological stage. For Vygotsky, the unit of analysis is the individual engaging in social activities rather than psychological activity of the individual’s characteristics, arguing with Piaget’s position that children’s development must precede learning, Vygotsky’s position was that the development process lies behind the learning process. These two major theorists seem to disagree ontologically about learning due to the fact that Piaget is a constructionist and Vygotsky belongs to the activity theory. Ontologically constructivism indicates that there is no reality that exists outside of human thinking, whereas the activity theory points out that for everything that exists it does include physical characteristics. Furthermore, constructivism indicates that knowledge and thinking are inextricably on people’s brains and they just construct from their personal experiences. On the contrary, the activity theory indicates that knowledge is formed from a social negotiation involving people. Another issue which differs Vygotsky’s approach from Piaget’s is that the Piagetian theory does not provoke that children perform tasks that are far away from their cognitive capabilities. The teacher simply prepares the environment for the child’s developmental level of mental operations, concluding that the child is limited by its own developmental stage. On the other hand, Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development welcomes the child to attempt beyond its potential mental capabilities. Both theorists have contributed with their approaches of human development. The Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget and the Russian Lev Vygotsky consequently influenced from their environments and cultures and also from their beliefs in constructivism and the activity theory formed their approaches on human development were in some parts seem to agree, but have major differences between them. Most critiques reflecting on these two approaches seem to weigh more on Piaget due to the fact that several developmental tasks he applied on children especially in the pre-operational stage are not clearly stated and it seemed that Piaget often underestimated children’s mental capabilities. Piaget claimed that pre-operational children cannot decentre on the ‘three mountain task’ though new studies have shown that by altering the objects with something more familiar, children were able to decentre. Also in some other Piagetian tasks children performed better than expected by Piaget. And that has revealed that Vygotsky’s approach to the socio-cultural aspect seems more appropriate than Piaget’s constructivist approach. REFERENCE LIST: Boyd, D. & Bee, H. (2006). Lifespan Development (4th. Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Bruner, J. (1990). Acts of meaning. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Lerman, S. (1996). ‘Intersubjectivity in Mathematics Learning: A Challenge to the Radical Constructivist Paradigm?’ Journal for Research in Mathematics Education Vol. 27 2, pp.211-223. Newman, F., & Holzman, L. (1993). Lev Vygotsky: Revolutionary Scientist. London: Routledge. Piaget, J. (1962). Comments on Vygotsky’s critical remarks concerning ‘The Language and Thought of the Child’, and ‘Judgement and Reasoning in the Child’. Cambridge: Massachusetts, The M.I.T. Piaget, J. (1969). Psykologi og paedagogik Copenhagen: Hans Reitzell. Piaget, J. (1970). Genetic Epistemology. New York: Columbia University. Santrock, J., W. (2008). A topical approach to life-span development (4th Edition). New York City: McGraw- Hill. Shaffer, D., R., & Kipp, K. (2007). Developmental Psychology: Childhood & Adolescence (7th Edition). Belmont: Thomson Wadsworth. Vygotsky, L., S. (1962). Thought and Language Cambridge: Massachusetts, The M.I.T. View as multi-pages

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Galileo Galilei Essays - Copernican Revolution, Galileo Galilei

Galileo Galilei Essays - Copernican Revolution, Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei's father, Vincenzo Galilei (c.1520 - 1591), who described himself as a nobleman of Florence, was a professional musician. He carried out experiments on strings to support his musical theories. Galileo studied medicine at the university of Pisa, but his real interests were always in mathematics and natural philosophy. He is chiefly remembered for his work on free fall, his use of the telescope and his employment of experimentation. After a spell teaching mathematics, first privately in Florence and then at the university of Pisa, in 1592 Galileo was appointed professor of mathematics at the university of Padua (the university of the Republic of Venice). There his duties were mainly to teach Euclid's geometry and standard (geocentric) astronomy to medical students, who would need to know some astronomy in order to make use of astrology in their medical practice. However, Galileo apparently discussed more unconventional forms of astronomy and natural philosophy in a public lecture he gave in connection with the appearance of a New Star (now known as 'Kepler's supernova') in 1604. In a personal letter written to Kepler (1571 - 1630) in 1598, Galileo had stated that he was a Copernican (believer in the theories of Copernicus). No public sign of this belief was to appear until many years later. In the summer of 1609, Galileo heard about a spyglass that a Dutchman had shown in Venice. From these reports, and using his own technical skills as a mathematician and as a workman, Galileo made a series of telescopes whose optical performance was much better than that of the Dutch instrument. The astronomical discoveries he made with his telescopes were described in a short book called Message from the stars (Sidereus Nuncius) published in Venice in May 1610. It caused a sensation. Galileo claimed to have seen mountains on the Moon, to have proved the Milky Way was made up of tiny stars, and to have seen four small bodies orbiting Jupiter. These last, with an eye on getting a job in Florence, he promptly named 'the Medicean stars'. It worked. Soon afterwards, Galileo became 'Mathematician and [Natural] Philosopher' to the Grand Duke of Tuscany. In Florence he continued his work on motion and on mechanics, and began to get involved in disputes about Copernicanism. In 1613 he discovered that, when seen in the telescope, the planet Venus showed phases like those of the Moon, and therefore must orbit the Sun not the Earth. This did not enable one to decide between the Copernican system, in which everything goes round the Sun, and the Tychonic (Tycho Brahe) one in which everything but the Earth (and Moon) goes round the Sun which in turn goes round the Earth. Most astronomers of the time in fact favoured the Tychonic system. However, Galileo showed a marked tendency to use all his discoveries as evidence for Copernicanism, and to do so with great verbal as well as mathematical skill. He seems to have made a lot of enemies by making his opponents look fools. Moreover, not all of them actually were fools. There eventually followed some expression of interest by the Inquisition. Prima facie, Copernicanism was in contradiction with Scripture, and in 1616 Galileo was given some kind of secret, but official, warning that he was not to defend Copernicanism. Just what was said on this occasion was to become a subject for dispute when Galileo was accused of departing from this undertaking in his Dialogue concerning the two greatest world systems, published in Florence in 1632. Galileo, who was not in the best of health, was summoned to Rome, found to be vehemently suspected of heresy, and eventually condemned to house arrest, for life, at his villa at Arcetri (above Florence). He was also forbidden to publish. By the standards of the time he had got off rather lightly. Galileo's sight was failing, but he had devoted pupils and amanuenses, and he found it possible to write up his studies on motion and the strength of materials. The book, Discourses on two new sciences, was smuggled out of Italy and published in Leiden (in the Netherlands) in 1638. Galileo wrote most of his later works in the vernacular, probably to

Monday, October 21, 2019

Values And Virtues Essay Essay Example

Values And Virtues Essay Essay Example Values And Virtues Essay Essay Values And Virtues Essay Essay It was late Saturday eventide. Lisa Donath. a adolescent drug counsellor was on her manner place from work. She was non experiencing good that clip and thought it could be due to the blood she donated the other twenty-four hours. While at the station. Lisa fainted and fell right on the trail racks near a twosome. Without any hold. the adult male named Ismael Feneque. a form shaper. jumped in to deliver her. 20 seconds before the following train arrived. Within such a short clip. Ismael was able to deliver Lisa and mount up to salvage himself. When asked. Ismael said he did non bear any 2nd ideas about salvaging Lisa. even if it could hold caused his ain life. In our mundane life. we encounter many battles and negative experiences. We hear about colza. slaying. robbery. and many different sorts of offense that make us experience pessimistic about people and the universe. However. narratives of gallantry like what Ismael did animate us to believe that there is still hope in the hereafter. if we merely learn our kids the right values and virtuousnesss they should bear. In position of this. the household. school. and community should lend to stressing good values and virtuousnesss among kids. In this paper. we discuss the values and virtuousnesss that every American young person should absorb despite coming from different cultural backgrounds. The construction of American categories presents is normally made up of kids from different multicultural beginnings. Hence. multiculturalism presents the challenge to every instructor who intends to learn about American civilization and values. Despite coming from different backgrounds. kids should possess values and virtuousnesss typical of every American young person in order to guarantee single adoptability and sound societal construction. The challenge involves a figure of considerations. Among which is the belief in moral relativism that tend to take the young person to lose moral strong belief. Sommers ( in Surname of Editor. twelvemonth ) identifies today’s youth’s inability to judge state of affairss with strong moral strong belief. Most of them are morally misled. and can non make up ones mind whether something is good or bad. When asked the same inquiry. one interviewee explained that it depends on the individual to make up ones mind whether what s/he does is good or bad. This inability to place good from immorality is dismaying for there is a better chance that they will make what is incorrectly more than what is right. For Sommers. this sort of thought is â€Å"no better than the doctrine of a sociopath† ( 390 ) . A morally deranged individual does things on urges and non by intent. In Aristotle’s ( in Surname of Editor. twelvemonth ) â€Å"Nichomachean Ethics. † he emphasizes that our desires should be directed towards a good end or else it will be â€Å"empty and in vain† ( 366 ) . He believes that a individual who knows right from incorrect can likewise place between physical and higher pleasances. Like Sommers. he supports the thought that there are criterions of goodness. Peoples are endowed with the capableness to find what is right and what is incorrect based on the result of a certain act. Thus. a good title consequences in a good result. one that is good to those who are concerned. To develop the ability to separate right from incorrect. Sommers suggests a â€Å"great relearning† where pupils will be taught of general regulations that would assist reform their ideas towards making what is good. A great relearning is necessary in order to unlearn and rectify incorrect impressions and behaviours developed in the yesteryear. To make this. pupils should hear a batch of narratives and illustrations of good workss such as those of Ismael Feneque’s gallantry. Everyday. one of them will be assigned to describe an act of gallantry they encountered from the intelligence or read from the Internet. This will assist them recognize that bravery or gallantry is one of the values that Americans should hold. The gallantry of American people. particularly those who fought in the wars. should be strongly emphasized to likewise actuate pupils to larn and value freedom. Krauthammer ( in Surname of Editor. twelvemonth ) renders a commentary on perennial offenses. among which is colza. Harmonizing to him. the incidence of colza has multiplied over the old ages from the sixtiess. In response to this. instructors should stress the importance of regard for life and rights. Chiefly. kids should larn how to give regard to others. particularly to human existences. By exerting regard. people can populate harmoniously. Respect for the jurisprudence. belongings. and freedom of address are merely some values they need to relearn. In learning regard. the instructor should let pupils to portion about their ain civilization. At the start of every lesson. one pupil will portion patterns. traditions. nutrient. etc. which are sole to one’s civilization. This manner. pupils will be exposed to cultural differences. therefore advancing regard and credence of other people’s individualism. Another value that pupils need to develop is honesty. For Aristotle. the wise speak merely the truth. In Sommers ( in Surname of Editor. twelvemonth ) . the writer confronts the important world that many of our young person today do non bear the truth. Sad to cognize. some are dubious of of import historical facts such as the Holocaust and the WWII. where many lives were fought and lost in vain. This sad world about the young person challenges us once more to subject pupils to a sort of relearning. Teaching history. memorising facts. and reading about of import events in history are surely non plenty to demo our young person the truth about the yesteryear. What they need is grounds. Therefore. to learn truth pupils should be made to watch pictures and docudramas. These resources should include docudramas on the past including our ascendants. and the present state of affairs of our people and even those who are sing hungriness or subjugation such as those in Somalia or in Tibet. These docudramas would assist them recognize the truth. After sing. pupils should be asked to compose contemplations based on what they have seen. and these reactions should be processed through treatment in category. In add-on. lessons for learning honestness and truth should include practical applications. Sommers ( Ibid. ) emphasize that learning honestness includes learning pupils the importance of decency. In the academic scene. honestness may be exercised by non plagiarising. Plagiarizing somebody’s work demonstrates the loss of honestness and regard for other people’s right. It besides consequences in the loss of human self-respect. The pupils should understand that these values are interconnected. therefore pretermiting one consequences in disregard of another. Related to honesty and esteem is the value of forbearance. The modern tendencies that we live with presents teach us to make things in an blink of an eye. Instantaneous java. instant repasts. and instant income are merely some things we enjoy because we escape the demand to wait. This consequences in our inability to wait for the right clip before something comes to fruition. or before something is absolutely ripened. It besides consequences in the loss of forbearance. Many childs presents have forgotten the value of forbearance. Therefore. they resort to copying or plagiarising other people’s work. they resort to suction lipectomy alternatively of exerting. or they try to procure occupations that can do them gain instant hard currency. In response to the demand to redevelop forbearance. instructors should plan activities that require pupils to make a comprehensive and hands-on undertaking such as carry oning research. interviews. or fixing pictures and other activities that they would bask making and at the same clip let them to pass clip working together as groups. Concerted acquisition would learn them the value of forbearance and difficult work. Heroism. ability to find right from incorrect. regard. honestness and forbearance are merely some American values and virtuousnesss that we need to develop among pupils in order to reform society. Although these values are cosmopolitan. we accept the fact that there are critics and sceptics who will oppose to learning them in the schoolroom. For case. some may believe that gallantry can non use to most pupils. However. it should be stressed that values such as gallantry can be demonstrated in simple ways. For case. a simple aid to transport a classmate’s books is an act of gallantry. Checking one’s ain paper can be an exercising of honestness and judging right from incorrect. Besides. a simple drawing exercising utilizing natural pigments can advance forbearance among immature pupils. Every instructor should see that the small things they do and the values they develop in the schoolroom can make admirations finally when pupils set pes in the large universe. Mentions Aristotle. ( Publication Year ) . From the nichomachean moralss. In Name of Editor ( Ed. ) . Title of book ( 366-373 ) . Location: Publisher. Krauthammer. C. ( Pub. Year ) . Specifying deviancy up. In M. I. Surname of Editor ( Ed. ) . Title of book ( 384-389 ) . Location: Publisher. Sommers. C. H. ( Pub. Year ) . Teaching the virtuousnesss. In M. I. Surname of Editor ( Ed. ) . Title of book ( 394-398 ) . Location: Publisher. Sommers. C. H. ( Pub. Year ) . Are we populating in a moral rock age? In M. I. Surname of Editor ( Ed. ) . Title of book ( 390-393 ) . Location: Publisher.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Décorer - to Decorate - French Verb Conjugations

Dà ©corer - to Decorate - French Verb Conjugations The  French verb  dà ©corer means to decorate. Find the conjugations of this regular -er verb in the tables below. Conjugations of Dà ©corer Present Future Imperfect Present participle je dcore dcorerai dcorais dcorant tu dcores dcoreras dcorais il dcore dcorera dcorait nous dcorons dcorerons dcorions vous dcorez dcorerez dcoriez ils dcorent dcoreront dcoraient Pass compos Auxiliary verb avoir Past participle dcor Subjunctive Conditional Pass simple Imperfect subjunctive je dcore dcorerais dcorai dcorasse tu dcores dcorerais dcoras dcorasses il dcore dcorerait dcora dcort nous dcorions dcorerions dcormes dcorassions vous dcoriez dcoreriez dcortes dcorassiez ils dcorent dcoreraient dcorrent dcorassent Imperative (tu) dcore (nous) dcorons (vous) dcorez Verb conjugation pattern Dà ©corer is a regular -ER verb

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Are Bonus Schemes an Effective Way of Motivating Employees Essay

Are Bonus Schemes an Effective Way of Motivating Employees - Essay Example The definite development of interest in employee motivation can be traced back by about a hundred years to the beginning of the twentieth century, when in essence behavioural scientists studied the behaviour and the response to stimuli, with particular emphasis on material benefits derived from work, for the initial studies had led to the belief that workers increased their effort, based on the monetary benefits received. This led to material benefits and its impact on employee motivation becoming the focus of studies and the basis of motivational action within business environments during approximately fifty years of the history of employee motivation (Latham, 2006). 2. Literature Review Several content and process theories on work motivation have emerged from the efforts put in by work motivational theorists, leading to the requirement of further classification in any study of work motivational studies. This classification is based on human behaviour and that which underlies human motivation in the form of needs, reinforcement, cognition, job characteristics and feelings or emotions (Ramlall, 2004). In 1954, the behavioural scientist Maslow published his theory in motivation called Maslow’s need hierarchy theory or the hierarchy of needs theory. In this theory Maslow postulates that the main driver in human behaviour is the satisfaction of an individual’s needs and he categorised these needs consisting of physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs and put them into five levels (Halepota, 2005). Incentive schemes in business organizations are set up with the purpose of enhancing performance through meeting the needs of the employees. The success of incentive schemes would be high or low depending on the personal context of the employee. In the case of employees at the lower levels of Maslow’s need hierarchy cash rewards by itself act as a means to meeting these basic needs, Those at the highe r levels of Maslow’s need hierarchy may require in addition to cash rewards other rewards, which we could term as ‘satisfaction income’ in terms appreciation, interesting work, freedom at the work and empowerment for satisfaction at the work place. Such rewards have to be fair and irrespective of the various other aspects of motivation at the workplace cash rewards still remain a key incentive for employee performance (Rai, 2004). Kauhanen and Piekkola, 2006, evaluating the motivational effects of performance-related pay schemes and bonus schemes on upper white collar employees in Finland found several important features. Among these features was the finding that for performance-related pay schemes and bonus schemes, the levels of these schemes should be high and frequent enough for positive motivational effects. Lower levels of performance-related pay schemes and bonus schemes do not bring about the desired increase in motivational levels for higher performance behaviour (Kauhanen & Piekkola, 2006) Human relations practices are important to organizational performance

Costing, Budgeting for Projects Accounting Essay

Costing, Budgeting for Projects Accounting - Essay Example 9018088 0.000842049 12 8 13 9 7.703656443 1.680506618 13 9 14 7 7.414185094 0.171549292 14 7 15 4.791208791 44.00883114 -1.008791209 19.92307692 0.247845443 2.110327908 0.57993311 3.738278384 16.56687898 12 231.5175824 167.6967033 Estimating Learning-Curve Functions 2 2) I used the formula approach and forecast approach to estimate non-linear functions such as the learning-curve function. The predicted value for 15 units is 4.791209. Note: When I used the forecast approach, either there was an error in the formula or the predicted value is wrong. The formula on p.209 is =FORECAST(15,B1:B14,A1:A14), but I came up with a predicted value of 4.32967. But since I must arrive at the value 4.791209, I figured the formula should’ve been =FORECAST(15,B2:B15,A2:A15). I finally succeeded at having the same value 4.791209. I think my formula is more accurate because for 14 units of outputs, the DLH value is already given with a value of 7. The formula for regression analysis is Y = a + bX where a is the constant term and b is the slope. When estimating LCR, I used Solver routine in Excel. I started with an estimated LCR of .80 and entered that figure in cell D2. For getting the predicted DLHs, I used Excel learning-curve formula which is =$B$2*A2^(LN($D$2)/LN(2)). For unit 1 (X), the predicted value is an exact match. It is the same as the actual DLH, 29. The rest of the predicted DLHs for outputs 2-14 were a close match except for 9 and 11 units (in thousands) of outputs. Next, I calculated the â€Å"squared-error.† The obvious answer is 0, since there is no error. The predicted DLH is exactly the same as the actual DLH. The formula for â€Å"squared-error† in Excel is =(C2-B2)^2 for 1 unit (in thousands). The rest can be calculated in Solver routine by dragging the cells when copying the formula for 1 unit of output. Estimating Learning-Curve Functions 3 3) Shown on the graph with the downward slope, as the total outputs increased, the cumulative uni ts produced decreased. In other words, the more experience there is in producing outputs, the amount of time to perform the task decreases. The plot is consistent with the data given for units produced and DLHs. 4) I estimated the LCR with the â€Å"incremental unit-time learning-curve model† using Solver routine and I arrived at 0.69 or .70. In the Solver routine window, I entered the â€Å"target cell† as $E$2 which is the â€Å"squared error† contained in E2 and the â€Å"changing cell† as $D$2 which is the Estimating Learning-Curve Functions 4 LCR contained in D2. The exponent in learning-curve model, b, is -0.51681. So for DLH 29, the incremental unit-time learning-curve model is Y = 29.0*X^-0.51681. 5) The formula for cumulative average time per unit to produce x units is Y = ax^b; where Y = cumulative average time per unit to produce x units, a = the time taken for the first unit of output, x = the cumulative number of units, and b = the index of l earning (log LR/log 2). Using the calculation in Excel spreadsheet, I entered the formula =$B$2*A2^(Ln($D2$/Ln(2)) for cumulative av

Friday, October 18, 2019

Comparison of the novel Wuthering Heights with one of its Film Essay

Comparison of the novel Wuthering Heights with one of its Film Adaptations - Essay Example Judging from the popularity, the novel has been transformed into a movie numerous times. The story is narrated by two characters: Nelly Dean and Lockwood. But each movie has some differences especially when it comes to the narration or the perspective shown in each movie. For instance, in some of the movies Catherine’s ghost does not appear, which is a rather drastic change. Other than the settings, the nature of characters has also been changed. Catherine is not that selfish and spiteful in the movie as she is in the novel. In the movie, it seems as if she is a pitiful and passive character. However, it is actually because of her nasty and selfish nature that she takes such a drastic decision of marrying Edgar Linton. In the movie it seems that she is a vulnerable victim of nature and the society. In the book Heathcliff listens to Catherine saying that marrying him would degrade her and her family. Heathcliff is wounded by this admission and so he goes away. In the movie Heathcliff just goes away without even hearing anything. So instead of recklessness, which is significant in both the characters in the book, it seems more of a childish attitude in the movie. Childish, they never are. They are arrogant, passionate and reckless. Hence, the very depiction of characters has been deviated from, thus, sucking the life out of them. So when they try to act silly, they look awkward and this extinguishes the flame of passion and desire. Considering the age of the characters in the movie it creates more of a funny situation in the viewer’s eyes. However after reading the novel one feels angry and livid at the turn of events and the tragic incidents. Another major difference in the novel and the movie is the death scene. In the novel Heathcliff never gets to see Catherine’ s body. But in the movie, Heathcliff digs up the grave and hugs the body. This gives a totally unreal quality to the storyline. Moreover, in the novel when Heathcliff is not able to see Catherine’s body, it adds to the tragic element and the readers also feel bad about it. But the

Electronic Business week 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Electronic Business week 7 - Essay Example The value created by the organization is the variance between consumer’s apparent use value from the services of the company and the organization’s cost of offering the services. The company creates use value through quality, brand and speed. The company ensures that its services are of high quality and contain attributes such as reliability and satisfaction. On the other hand, the company ensures that it responds fast to customer calls and that waste is collected at an agreed time (Waste Management, 2014). Additionally, Waste Management creates value through creating a brand with traits that customers can relate with such as trust. In order to capture sections of the value created, the company ensures that the value created is greater than that generated by rivals, and also ensures that it is defectively imitable and transposable. Needless to say, Waste Management captures the value it creates through its economic profits. Since profitability is the company’s primary strategic goal, the company positions itself with price and cost (Waste Management, 2014). Notably, the value captured by any organization is the variation between the incurred costs and the price charged for

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Political Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Political Theory - Essay Example The basis for Marx’ vision was that the ruling class, the bourgeoisie, was corrupting and oppressive to the people, and Marx envisioned a time when the bourgeoisie would be stripped of its power by stripping it of its property and society would be classless. Therefore, Marx essentially advocated that no one class would have power over another classs. On the other hand, Nicolo Machiavelli, in his book The Prince essentially advocated the opposite. Where Marx believed that power should be dissipated, Machiavelli believed that power should be strengthened, and his book showed rulers, called princes by Machiavelli, on how to do this. Machiavelli’s thesis was that a prince should be strengthened, therefore power should be aggrandized and this would be the basis for security in a nation; Marx’ thesis was that the proletariat, or the people, should be strengthened, so that those in power would be displaced and power would not reside in any one group or person. Both book s are based upon these basic premises. Argument The main contrast between the principles espoused by Machiavelli and those by Marx is that Machiavelli champions a strong leader who may use any means possible to rule over the people, whereas Marx champions the power of the people, the proletariat, stating that they should be more powerful than the leaders. For instance, Machiavelli appears to condone cruelty as a means of living securely in a new country which has been conquered. He cites the example of Oliverotto of Fermo, who came into power through a criminal act. Oliverotto came into power by murdering his uncle, Giovanni Fogliani, then, after this treacherous act, rode through the town, laying siege to the governing council. Because of this act, he was feared by those currently governing, and Oliverotto was able to make himself a prince. To be sure, Oliverotto murdered anybody who would resent his rule and might injure him (Machiavelli, 1961, p. 39). Despite the fact that Oliver otto was treacherous and killed his own uncle, who was nothing but kind to Oliverotto, Machiavelli held this leader up as an example of a prince who used cruelty well. Machiavelli stated that cruelty used well is cruelty that â€Å"is employed once for all, and one’s safety depends on it, and then it is no persisted in but as far as possible turned to the good of one’s subjects† (Machiavelli, 1961, p. 39). On the other hand, Machiavelli considered cruelty used badly as cruelty that grows over time, and is not necessarily a one-time incidence. When a prince uses cruelty badly, he cannot maintain power; with cruelty well-used, a leader may enhance his position (Machiavelli, 1961, p. 39). Machiavelli further emphasizes that cruelty must be used initially when securing the country, and must be inflicted all at once (Machiavelli, 1961, p. 40). This section is not the only place where Machiavelli advocates cruelty for the leader who is trying to secure himself in powe r. He also states that it is better to be feared than loved. Specifically, he advocates making examples of people. To do otherwise would be a weakness for the leader, and would lead to disorder. Machiavelli states that it is necessary to be feared, as opposed to loved, as men are â€Å"ungrateful, fickle, liars and deceivers, they shun danger and are greedy for profit†¦when you are in danger, they turn away† (Machiavelli, 1961, p. 71). When a leader is loved, they will have a bond of gratitude. However, men having the nature that they have, will break these bonds at the first

HIS 122 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

HIS 122 - Essay Example ïÆ' ¨ This book discusses the theology, history, and political theories surroundings the Declaration of Independence. Several published writings and letters of Franklin, Jefferson, and others are presented in the book. The interesting thing about the book is how it explored the idea that the men who fought for, authored, and amended the Declaration of Independence did not have establishing a Christian nation in mind. The author presented data showing that the values of the Orthodox Christian Church are all rejected by Thomas Jefferson. Also, it explores on the concept that equality, and not slavery, is the purpose of the Declaration. Dershowitz presented data supporting the idea that Jefferson rejects the concept of slavery and supports the â€Å"secular humanist† concept. It is controversial, challenging, and disturbing, because it requires readers to rethink their opinions regarding the Declaration ïÆ' ¨ Of all the books reviewed, this is considered the most interesting exploration on the different sides of diplomacy during the American Revolution. It provides an easy and interesting read, thus giving the book a wide array of target readers. It catches the interest even of a general reader, yet provides well-researched data that will also interest any historian. The diplomatic history of the American Revolution is presented in several angles, including America’s diplomatic ties with France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Russia, and Spain. ïÆ' ¨ Simple and straightforward, the book discusses a lot of unfinished businesses caused by the American Revolution. Mainly, there are two very interesting articles that provide a great eye-opener for any reader: â€Å"Two Republics in a Hostile World† by Jonathan Dull, and â€Å"The Ambiguities of Power† by J.R. Pole. The book, particularly these two articles, can be compared to the ideas presented in the book by Dershowitz --- it makes one rethink of their personal opinions on the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Political Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Political Theory - Essay Example The basis for Marx’ vision was that the ruling class, the bourgeoisie, was corrupting and oppressive to the people, and Marx envisioned a time when the bourgeoisie would be stripped of its power by stripping it of its property and society would be classless. Therefore, Marx essentially advocated that no one class would have power over another classs. On the other hand, Nicolo Machiavelli, in his book The Prince essentially advocated the opposite. Where Marx believed that power should be dissipated, Machiavelli believed that power should be strengthened, and his book showed rulers, called princes by Machiavelli, on how to do this. Machiavelli’s thesis was that a prince should be strengthened, therefore power should be aggrandized and this would be the basis for security in a nation; Marx’ thesis was that the proletariat, or the people, should be strengthened, so that those in power would be displaced and power would not reside in any one group or person. Both book s are based upon these basic premises. Argument The main contrast between the principles espoused by Machiavelli and those by Marx is that Machiavelli champions a strong leader who may use any means possible to rule over the people, whereas Marx champions the power of the people, the proletariat, stating that they should be more powerful than the leaders. For instance, Machiavelli appears to condone cruelty as a means of living securely in a new country which has been conquered. He cites the example of Oliverotto of Fermo, who came into power through a criminal act. Oliverotto came into power by murdering his uncle, Giovanni Fogliani, then, after this treacherous act, rode through the town, laying siege to the governing council. Because of this act, he was feared by those currently governing, and Oliverotto was able to make himself a prince. To be sure, Oliverotto murdered anybody who would resent his rule and might injure him (Machiavelli, 1961, p. 39). Despite the fact that Oliver otto was treacherous and killed his own uncle, who was nothing but kind to Oliverotto, Machiavelli held this leader up as an example of a prince who used cruelty well. Machiavelli stated that cruelty used well is cruelty that â€Å"is employed once for all, and one’s safety depends on it, and then it is no persisted in but as far as possible turned to the good of one’s subjects† (Machiavelli, 1961, p. 39). On the other hand, Machiavelli considered cruelty used badly as cruelty that grows over time, and is not necessarily a one-time incidence. When a prince uses cruelty badly, he cannot maintain power; with cruelty well-used, a leader may enhance his position (Machiavelli, 1961, p. 39). Machiavelli further emphasizes that cruelty must be used initially when securing the country, and must be inflicted all at once (Machiavelli, 1961, p. 40). This section is not the only place where Machiavelli advocates cruelty for the leader who is trying to secure himself in powe r. He also states that it is better to be feared than loved. Specifically, he advocates making examples of people. To do otherwise would be a weakness for the leader, and would lead to disorder. Machiavelli states that it is necessary to be feared, as opposed to loved, as men are â€Å"ungrateful, fickle, liars and deceivers, they shun danger and are greedy for profit†¦when you are in danger, they turn away† (Machiavelli, 1961, p. 71). When a leader is loved, they will have a bond of gratitude. However, men having the nature that they have, will break these bonds at the first

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Investigating the Relationship between Academic Persistence and Age, Dissertation - 1

Investigating the Relationship between Academic Persistence and Age, Gender, Ethnicity and Transfer Credits - Dissertation Example Adult Learner Academic Persistence According to previous reports, the retaining of adult learners in programs and institutions on adult education has become a great challenge. The rates of attrition and pressures of accountability within these institutions are also very high according to Jeffreys (2012). The previously carried out pieces of research show that most adults who withdraw from these learning programs do so after accomplishing their goals. They reportedly leave to join other programs that suit them more. According to Sanders, most of the adults dropping out of school return after their situations have been altered creating cycles between their dropping out and return which happens severally (2008). Previous literatures additionally indicate that the process of utilizing the class and lecture a major measurement of persistence undervalues other activities that would be effective in learning and which should be encouraged. This includes activities like distance learning and personal studies. In the year 2009, Comings, Parrella & Soricone, defined persistence as that period that adults remain in adult learning programs as they engage in personal studies as a result of being forced by circumstances leading to their withdraw from attending lectures or classes. The author additionally suggests that the adult students may return to their lectures when their situations in life allow them to. According to previously carried out surveys among adult students who were studying in America, those who had previously been involved in vocational training, self study and other forms of learning, had a greater likelihood of persisting academically than their counterparts who had not been involved in similar activities (Jones, 2008). These surveys additionally show that the adult students who had specific wants had greater probabilities of persisting than those adults who were in the learning institutions but had no specific wants. According to Sanders, if the academic persistence of adult students has to be improved, the learning institutions should avail additional learning alternatives like distance learning to the adult learners who are no able to attend their scheduled lectures (2008). Learner centered perspectives can greatly help in supporting the academic persistence and understanding among the adult learners by managing the forces that hinder or advance their learning activities (Millar, & So, 2008). According to previous literature, several factors are responsible for affecting the academic persistence among adult learners and range from the different institutions, situations, dispositions, and demographic factors and emotional and relational forces (Quigley, 2008). Problems that arise from the adult learner’s employment, finances, families and abuse from their classmates, transport and health can be classified as being situational. On the other hand, institutional barriers prevent adult learners from persisting academically and c ould include issues like the level or content of the course, their location or failure to meet the set admission guidelines (Ziegler & Durant, 2009). The attitudes, self-efficacies and resilience among the adult learners towards their learning may prevent them from excelling in their chosen academic

Monday, October 14, 2019

Bias in Historical Description Essay Example for Free

Bias in Historical Description Essay The article reviewed was Behan McCullagh’s Bias in Historical Description, Interpretation, and Explanation in which he gave a brief but thorough outlook on the manner to which historical accounts are peppered with biased analysis and his opinion on how historians would be able to diminish, if not fully obliterate, from the nature of recounting past events. Why History is Biased McCullagh started of his piece by constructing four reasons as to why he thought that historical writings are mainly biased. His first reason was that he believed historians misinterpreted evidences without properly asserting the truth about its justification. His second reason was that information may already have been omitted by historians in compiling such past accounts that cater to make their views balanced. The third reason was that he deems general description of any historical information may include certain facts that are possibly false due to the uncertainty of most available sources. Lastly, his fourth reason was in reference to causal explanations, concisely described in the article as events that substantially modify the likelihood of the event, which are usually focused on a few important causes that renders a misleading point of view in the reader’s comprehension of the process of events (McCullagh, 2000). McCullagh voiced out that historians who often make mistakes in incorporating biases in their interpretations are typically motivated rather than accidental. He also noted difference between personal and cultural biases, delineating that the latter is far more difficult to be rectified than the other as it is ingrained, yet maintaining that historians must still try to do away with personal bias. He then goes on to further illustrate the concept of bias in historical accounts (McCullagh, 2000). The concept of Bias in Historical Accounts: McCullagh elucidated on the point that historians choose subjects which are of interests to them, inevitably providing a more partial basis to their interpretation of historical information. Consequently, historians are said to be products of their environment or culture, which will naturally hold general notions about the past. Thus, written accounts by historians are subjected to the availability of information gathered and on the decisions made through constant debates on what gets included and what should be disregarded. Such process is said to most likely offer misleading descriptions of historical accounts that have a particular cause (McCullagh, 2000). However, McCullagh has held that preconceived notions about a historical subject that are not biased could be observed in occurrences that involves transformation within a country’s economy as well as social structures. Biases are only attached when selective causes are highlighted while others of equal importance are disregarded (McCullagh, 2000). The perception of biases in constructing history should be avoided as according to McCullagh it provides a deceptive account of the historical subject which may cause misunderstandings and unnecessary negative consequences in conflict-driven situations. McCullagh presented three reasons as to why there are some who think that there is no way to evade the prospect of bias in historical accounts. First was that the interests of historians are automatically considered in determining the historical importance of a subject, the information extracted and the word preferences to use. The second was that preconceptions of historians and their contemporaries have biased point of views and the third one is the reiterated thought that historians have ingrained cultural beliefs and principles (McCullagh, 2000). Overcoming Personal Bias: McCullagh presented his opinion on how historians could be able to avoid injecting biases in interpreting historical data. He stated that historians should be committed to standards of rational thinking that would bring about a justified description of the past. One way to impose this is through peer reviews so as to motivate historians to follow certain acceptable guidelines in rational inquiry. The role of the historian is an important factor in maintaining social responsibility and creating a fair account of historical events (McCullagh, 2000). He denotes that multiplicity in perspectives is another way to produce rational historical inquiry as it presents different views of witnesses which melds relevant information into one account (McCullagh, 2000). McCullagh also pondered upon the notion that for people to prevail over biases, historians must accept that historiography is limited within itself and that the end of the discipline should also be considered in interpreting the past in a postmodern view (McCullagh, 2000). Reference: McCullagh, C. B. 2000. â€Å"Bias in Historical Description, Interpretation, and Explanation. † History Theory 39(1): 39 – 66.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Contemporary Issues in Marketing

Contemporary Issues in Marketing In an era of Super smart-phones, high-speed internet, and convergence of digital media in day to day life, it is important that traditional marketing techniques to evolve along with the digitisation of advertising, sales promotion and brand management. Marketing has moved on from basic advertising and sales promotion, to a more personal and customised approach towards customers, delivering a whole new level of involvement and experience to the consumers. Marketing is the The management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably.(The Chartered Institute of Marketing) Marketing requires constantly adapting to the changing consumer needs, and satisfying them in a way that is better than the competitors, in a profitable manner. In todays highly evolved and competitive business environment, it is indispensible to employ the aid of technology in marketing, the fact that technology has a transformational impact on the marketing is done cannot be ignored. Technology is changing the way companies interact with their consumers; marketing is becoming more focused on technology to increase the sales and returns on investment (ROI). Stephen Diorio shares his views on technology and marketing, Over the next ten years, rapidly changing technology will impact most aspects of sales and marketing strategy and management, (Diorio S.G, 2002) Google is one of the best examples of companies that have successfully employed technology in their marketing strategies. The firm started up as a small search engine in 1998 and today has an estimated worth of more than $35 billion, employing more than 20000 people. In the further sections, I will be discussing how google uses technology in its marketing operations, and the specific areas in which they are employed. Marketing Research Marketing researchÂÂ  is the systematic gathering, recording, and analysis of data about issues relating toÂÂ  marketingÂÂ  products and services. (McDonald. M, 2007) Marketing Research helps a company determine, whether its current portfolio of products is satisfying the consumer needs, and what improvements can be made in new products, and whether consumers will accept a new product or not. Google is well known for its search refinement and optimisation over the years, it has consistently been successful in understanding what consumer is searching for, and putting up relevant advertisements on their search results. Let us discuss what technologies google uses for its marketing research: Anonymous Data statistics collection: Google analyses data that it receives from its search engine like the search keywords, location of user, age group, etc. And uses the data to deliver more optimised and local search results to the user, providing a more precise and effective way of advertising. The data that Google collects is anonymous and is used for demographic classification only. Also if there is a bug or error in Googles search, it sends an error report to the company, so they can work on fixing it and improving its results in future. This is a very effective marketing research technique is it does not involve much cost, and is based on reliable data that is generated on the companys own servers. This market research method is an example of excellent consumer involvement; the data collected is with express permission of the users solely for improvement purpose, and Googles privacy policies clearly states that it is collected anonymously with no storage of the users personal information. Also there is an option for opting out of the research for anyone who does not want their data to be analysed. (Source: Google Privacy Policy) Google Analytics: Google analytics is Googles web analytics solution; it generates insights into its websites traffic, total number of visits, subject of interest, location of users, etc and other statistical data which in turn the increases the effectiveness of marketing by identifying and analysing the preferences of the consumer and the product that they are searching for. It helps Google create better targeted and strategically placed ads. Google also offers the analytics solution to many large corporations and companies helping them place their ads at strategic locations and increasing their return on investment or ROI. It delivers sophisticated data to Google regarding its website traffic, and its gain/loss of market share against its competing companies. The technique is an entirely new approach compared to traditional marketing research methods like surveys and seminars, as this is totally computer generated research based on raw data collected from real life users, and also it is more mathematically correct and precise. Analytics can collect data from tracking mobile devices, location based website tagging and comparing the relevance of search terms to actual results. A very recent example of this tools utilities is when it surfaced that Bing, Microsofts proprietary search engine was copying Googles search results and algorithms, and Google was able to discover this scam with its analytics tool. Amit Singhal from Google stated in his press release, Some Bing results increasingly look like an incomplete, stale version of Google results a cheap imitation, (BBC News, 2 February 2011) Insight Search: This is an interactive tool that Google uses to compare various search terms that are similar, and based on consumer interest, it suggests the best suited keywords and terms that must be used to increase advertisement revenue, it is a highly technical tool primarily working on elaborate programming algorithms, which is unique to Google. An example of this is given below. If Google is to place an advertisement for an automobile manufacturer, with the help of Insight search it will be able to predict the message that best resonates the ad. For marketing a new car model it shall know what feature must be highlighted like fuel efficiency, safety, good looks, etc. With Insight search as we can see the most apt search term will be car safety as consumers clearly show more interest in that criteria over the othersC:UsersChiragDesktopinsights_96693_en-time.jpg Source (Google insight Website) Google Insight uses an advanced intelligence algorithm called MYSql that filters the search results and provides suggestions that are more feasible and more likely to capture consumer interest; this reduces the amount of junk advertising and also offers more refined search results. This is a good tool for marketing research as it decreases the chance of misplaced advertising, which is Googles largest source of income. Marketing Communication Marketing CommunicationsÂÂ  areÂÂ  messagesÂÂ  and related media used to communicate with a market. Marketing communications is the promotion part of the Marketing Mix or the four Ps: price, place, promotion, and product. (Clow. K, Donald.B). It is essential for any company to reach out to its consumers effectively, thus marketing communication is very important for successful business. Google has a very technology oriented approach for its marketing communication; it promotes its advertisements and promotions in entirely non-conventional ways, let us examine the methods Google uses for its marketing communication purposes: Ad-Words: Google Ad-Words is Googles main advertising program and the prime source of income for the company. Ad-Words triggers advertisements based on the words that a user is searching for, it delivers relevant ads on various websites where advertisers want to place their ads. Ad-Words operates on the Pay Per Click (PPC) model, where Google gets paid for each Click that an ad generates, and advertisers have to pay Google for the number of times their ad is clicked on. The main features of Ad-Words are that it provides a non-geographical mode of advertising, it can place an advertisement on any website and not just its search page, which means that consumers have a ready accessibility to a plethora of products and services from the comfort of their homes. And for the advertisers, this is new and highly technological approach compared to traditional advertising methods like Hoardings, TV advertising, Radio advertising, etc, also it is interactive in nature. The most differentiating feature of Ad-Words is that the advertisements are customised for each and every user, It does not bombard the consumer with irrelevant ads and distracting pop-ups, it delivers the exact results the person is searching for, in simple and convenient text-based banners. For example: If a person is searching for Holiday trip to Bahamas, then Google brings up the advertisements of travel agencies that offer the cheapest and the best deals for holidays to the Bahamas, and also other holiday packages to similar locations. This is nothing short of a revolution in the advertising industry; in 2010 Googles revenue from Ad-Words advertising was US $28 Billion. (Source: Click To Call: The Click to Call service offered by Google is a marketing communication initiative that was started in 2007 by Google; through Click to Call, advertisers are allowed to put up their phone numbers on Googles website, and users can click on their advertisement to call them, Google connects them to the advertiser and the calling expenses are paid by Google. This is similar to Pay per Click advertising, but offers a whole new level of interaction to the advertisement. Google has also integrated this system of Click to call function on their new Phone operating system Froyo, whereby consumers search a map for a nearby outlet and by tapping on it can directly call the advertiser. This is a considerable innovation in marketing communications. (Source: Google ClickToCall official webpage) Google Checkout (Online Payment Integration): Thinking one step ahead of just searching for products and services online, Google integrated the Search and Buy process, with the help of Google Checkout, Consumers can save their bank account details on Googles secure web servers, and when they are searching for something on the web they can simply buy it and make the payment for the product with the click of a button, and the product is delivered to their doorstep. A consumer simply has to sign up with Google Checkout and register their details once; after that whenever they want to buy something with the help of Google Checkout they just have to click on it and verify their identity with security options like passwords, etc to prevent fraud. Also Google checkout comes pre-installed on smart-phones with Google operating system Android making it even more accessible. For example: If a person is searching for Dan Browns Book, The Da Vinci Code on Google, it will return the search results, and the person can simply click the Buy button on the website from their computer or phone, and the payment for the book will be made and it will be directly delivered to their specified address. This simplifies the process of online to a great extent. At the moment the products that are supported with the online payment systems are Books, CDs, and Media files, Google mobile handsets, and software. As more traders sign up for Google Checkout the product portfolio will expand and provide more options to Google users NFC Marketing: This is one of the latest technologies in marketing, also known as NFC or Near Field Communication; it uses special radio frequency waves to communicate with devices like smart-phones, pdas, etc. NFC can be used to tag places and objects with RFID tags that can be read by other devices by simply tapping on them. NFC can also be used to make payments with a smart phone by just swiping the device over the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device) Reader, this renders the need to carry around cash and debit cards useless. Google is integrating the NFC chip into its smart phones, and is setting up NFC Hotspots all over large cities, to implement the new technology. This can be considered a breakthrough technology for the coming years. According to Claire Swedberg of RFID Journal, ÂÂ  GoogleÂÂ  has been testing anÂÂ  RFID-enabled service aiming to link local businesses with customers. The service, known asÂÂ  HotspotÂÂ  debuted in November 2010. (Swedberg. C, 23 February 2011) New Product Development New product developmentÂÂ  (NPD) is the term used to describe the complete process of bringing a newÂÂ  productÂÂ  or service to market. (Ulrich.K, Eppinger. S, 2004). NPD is the preliminary step in developing a product or service, it involves a series of steps in order to introduce a new product in the market. NPD is essential to keep up with the changing technology and market trends. Google is a company with a large number of products under its portfolio, to name a few we have, Google Search, Google Mail, Google Maps, Google Checkout, Google Ad-Words, Google Documents, YouTube, Books, Android operating system, etc. Google has developed a number of successful products over the years. This is because Google insists on releasing products that are more appealing consumers, and has been able to remain successful by launching the products in market before the competitors, mostly in the form of Beta testing and pilot projects. Let us take few examples of how Google integrates the latest technology into some steps of its New Product Development process: Idea Generation: For most organisations the process of idea generation involves Brainstorming sessions, and SWOT analysis, but Google takes a new technological approach for idea generation. Every year Google holds the CodeJam competition at its head-quarters in Mountain View, California. In this competition it invites new engineers and programmers, in order to identify top talent among them, the participants have to solve arithmetic and structural problems, and also they are asked to come up with new ideas for products and software. This is an innovative and technical way of generating ideas, and many of Googles services like the Android operating system are a result of this. (Source: Prototyping: Prototyping involves producing a physical product prototype. Google is running a pilot testing programming for its new Google Chrome OS, to run the operating system Google has made the CR-48 laptop, to test its efficiency and compatibility with hardware. It is allowing application developers and daily users to use a prototype laptop given out for free, and provide usage information to Google, so that it can perfect the product for a full featured launch in the market. (Source: Chrome Os Pilot Programme Website) The advantage of prototyping products is that it provides a real life test result of what is expected from the product, and as a wide range of users test it, more information can be collected regarding the product. If the prototype receives good reviews, then the product can be considered feasible for a market launch. Beta Testing: Googles main competitive advantage comes from the fact that it always launches new products in the market before its competitors; this is because it always releases its potential products in Beta stage. And if later on if any rectification is needed in them, it rectifies them and makes the final launch, this is advantageous as by the time the final product is launched; it already will have a consumer base and will be accepted quickly by the market. Beta testing is the testing and improving of unfinished software, Beta testing is very useful when the programmers of the software want to receive a meaningful feedback. This is because when unfinished software is put to actual use, any bugs and errors that it may have can be identified and sorted. Google runs a project called Google Labs ( Under Labs Google runs unfinished products not yet ready for a launch. Some examples of such products are Google Transliteration, which allows users to type phonetically in any language using an English keyboard, And Google Wave'( which is Googles real-time social network initiative, it allows consumers to update and connect with their in real time by sharing messages, pictures, videos, and file sharing, etc. Many of Googles most successful products like Google Mail (Gmail), Google Documents (Docs), Calendar, etc are products of Beta testing that got successful reviews and are widely used and accepted today. Commercialisation: Commercialisation is the final launch of the product in the market; it involves the final production and promotion of its products. Proper use of technology is very important for the successful commercialisation of a product. Android is Googles highly successful and competitive smart-phone operating system, the commercialisation of the operating system was highly technological and advanced in nature, and compared to the other smart-phone platforms, like Windows and Apples IOS, it was well advanced. Google commercialised the operating system by venturing with Taiwanese phone company HTC to produce a Google branded phone, the first of its kind, which became highly successful. Also the handset was advertised and can be ordered from Googles search page. It was the first time a internet search based company entered the smart-phone industry. And the rest of the manufacturers like Samsung, Sony Ericsson, etc followed suite with their android handsets. The real technological breakthrough was when Google delivered OTA or Over the Air Software updates for smart-phones with their operating system. No other company has used OTA to update a phones software before, it was basically used to update subscriber settings, but Google made the use of that technology to deliver and optimise the smart-phone software, which was widely appreciated by customers worldwide. This is a good example of commercialising a product with the use of latest available technology. Conclusion Business Leaders today have realised that looking beyond the conventional ways of marketing and adopting the new technology is the mantra of successful business, in current business environment. Firms like Google that constantly aim for the refinement of technology are the new market leaders. Companies have become re-inventive in the way they manage their people, and in the use of technology. Thus we can say that Technology has had an huge impact on the functioning organisations and the process of marketing. Bibliography

Saturday, October 12, 2019

lord of flys ( i got a b+) 11th grade :: essays research papers

SYMBOLISM   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What?s it like to be stranded on a desert island in the prime of you youth, with no adult figure? William Golding show what may happen in just this circumstance. In this very complicated novel Golding brings out many ideas and shows what lack of the adult figure leads to. Above all others though comes symbolism of three main important objects being the conch, fire, and ?Piggy?s? eyeglasses. Through each of these three symbols Golding shows how the boys adapt and change throughout the novel. All three of these symbols together are one of the most important elements of the story.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first symbol, which is used all throughout the book, is the symbol of the Conch. The conch was a large shell which piggy had first unearthed on the island. The conch shows powers all throughout the book and always commands respect form the boys due to its importance. The importance and power would best be compared to that of a congregation when a Rabbi removes the torah from the ark, which holds it. The first quote which best shows the importance of the conch is when it is used by Ralph and Piggy to get all the boys together when they find themselves alone on the island. ?The Conch, we can use this to call the others. Have a meeting they?ll come when they hear us- (16).? Then again at the second meeting we see how the boys are drawn to the Conch and how it is like a magnet to the boys, which draws them to who ever uses it. ?By the time Ralph had finished blowing the conch the platform was crowded (32).? The conch also shows the first idea of civilization and rules. One example is when there is disorder because everyone I talking at once. ?Conch, that?s what the shell is called. I?ll give the conch to the next person who speaks. He can hold when he is speaking (33).? Finally the conch is used for is to show how Piggy does so much to help them and does not get credit for it. It was used that way when Piggy was the first one to see the Conch and Piggy was the one who knew what it was and instructed Ralph on how to use it. But when all the boys came from the Conch?s noise Ralph got credit for it.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Communication styles Essay

The impact of communication in marriage cannot be overemphasized as it is the main method of solving any crisis or conflict arising. There are different communication styles that can be applied in a marriage, expressiveness, driving, and relativity or analytical are forms of communication that may be used in marriage. Expressers get excited personal, waste time with too many facts or even show emotion to their partners while those with driving communication styles become very decisive and offer strong view points. Those who are relative in the way they are communicating, like positive attention and may want their partners to be helpful. This group of persons however, shies off when real problems come in especially when it comes to handling the children. This communication style is used by young marriages where partners just about 25 years of age get married. Communications styles can also be described as passive, assertive or aggressive. Passive forms communication involves putting the tights of the other partner before yours i.e. minimizing your own self worth at the expense of the marriage. Being assertive means that one partner in the marriage stands up for his or her rights while maintaining respect for the other i. e. all the partners in the marriage are all equal. Aggressiveness is a communication style that ensures that a wife or a husband stands up for his pr her right and in the process violate the rights of the other. This style of communication is usually the worst and may lead to divorce in extreme cases. Marriage resiliency Marriage resiliency is the couple’s capacity to develop and cultivate strengths from each other for the common good of the marriage in order ton meet their challenges . Resiliency can be defined to describe the responsive capabilities, social dynamics that foster health development of the marriage. Resiliency starts from an individual capacity to a family and community level making sure that the marriage bounces back after experiencing non-normative and expected challenges. Family resilience is characterized by invariant approaches that are dimensioned to help families resist any form of disruption in the face of change and become adaptive when a crisis occurs. Immigration and marriage Marriages are usually negatively affected by immigration procedures. Different countries have different laws governing the marriage of its citizens to non-citizens. It is usually an impediment to couples’ relationships because certain laws may offer recognition to one of the partner and the other is left out. However, with the emergence of dual citizenship rights, the issue may in the near future become a thing of the past. ‘Till death do us part? ’ This figure of speech is common in all wedding ceremonies and the couple getting married solemnly swear to the congregation that they will remain together till death do them part. Most critics believe that as long as there are increased cultural differences, modernization of societies and increases in domestic violence, the metaphor no longer makes sense. Every man and woman believes that they can live happily with each other especially when it is based on the performance of the two during courtship. This is not usually the case because immediately after marriage, the two members start quarrelling over this or that. This is the major contributing factor to the family problems and other domestic issues that families experience these days. It has been said that the more society becomes complicated, the more marriages become complicated and finally the more families become complicated. It is however, recommended that a personal commitment to each other within the marriage become the kingpin of the relationship. Lessons learnt from writing on marriage It has been interesting while researching on this topic. It is one of the research works that not only serves as an academic tool but also provides a learning opportunity for a person like me. Marriage is part and parcel of life and majority of the young people would dream of having better lives in future through marriage. Most young people believe that to secure there future and their old age days, they need to have married properly and have children who will look after the in future. Going through the types of marriages, its integration to the family setting and the importance of knowing the exact roles of each partner in a marriage is particularly useful. The various rules and boundaries that must be set to ensure the sustainability and stability of a marriage gives one an overview of how it is possible to develop them in real life situations through the experiences of other people and such kind of research. Therefore, this is one of the rare opportunities in life where one gets to learn more about what directly affects him or her in life. Personally, I feel grateful for the work I have done on this subject and I feel obliged to tell others about the integration of marriage systems in our families to enable them form good families now and in the future Questions for further research Marriage as part of a family practice continues to be complex especially with the emergence of contradicting legislation and complex societies; there is need for further research on; the impacts of different types of marriages on the extended families, development of policies and laws, and the society in general . What are the solutions to these? And what could be the role of governments and learning institutions in maintaining and making sure that marriages serve the purposed they are intended to. Other issues of concern are the ability of people to adopt resilience as a way of recovering from married related violence such as divorce, is divorce the answer to breaking marriages? With advancement in technology including foster mothers, test tube babies and the like, what could be the implications of these in cultural marriages and societies? Conclusion Marriages are forming a family. Marriage roles, rules, resilience abilities, communication styles, and spouse differences are issues that can affect the formation, development and improvement. Good marriage values are important not only for family cohesion but also for societal cultural maintenance. Challenges regarding re-orientation of the marriages within a family are many and common in this modern society, the problem is the manner in which they are currently addressed. References Antonovsky, A. , & Sourani, T (1988): Family sense of coherence and family adaptation.Journal of Marriage and the Family, 50, 79-92 Kaufman, J. , & Ziegler, E. (1987): Do abused children become abusive parents? American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 57, 186-192 McCubbin, H. , & Patterson, J. M. (1983): The family stress process; The Double Helix ABCX model of adjustment and adaptation, Social stress and the family: Advances in family stress theory and research New York pp. 7 -38. Nichols, M. , & Schwartz, R. (2000): Family communications: Concepts and methods, 5th edition, Needham Heights press Rolland, J. S. , & Weine, S. (2000): Kosovar Family Professional Educational Collaborative. AFTA Newsletter, 79, 34-43 Rutter, M. (1987): psychosocial resilience and protective mechanisms American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 57, 316-330 Stacey, J. (1990): Brave new families: Stories of domestic upheaval in late 20th century America. New York: Basic Books. Walsh, F. , & McGoldrick, M (1998): Families in later life: Challenge and opportunities. The expanded life cycle Needham Heights, MA: pp. 307-327 Walsh, F. , & McGoldrick, M (1991): Living beyond loss: Death in the family. New York: Norton.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Biography of Christopher Bruce Essay

Christopher Bruce was born on the 3rd of October 1945 in England, he started studying dancing at 11 years old, and he began with tap and ballet. After studying at the Rambert School Christopher Bruce joined Rambert Ballet in 1963, where he quickly became the leading male dancer. Bruce appeared in works such as Don Quixote in 1964 and Coppelia in 1966. Then the company began to experiment with ballet and modern, combining them to form, specifically the Martha Graham technique. (Martha Graham created 181 ballets and a dance technique that has been compared to ballet in its scope and magnitude. Many of the great modern and ballet choreographers have studied the Martha Graham Technique or have been members of her company.) When Bruce danced the role of Pierrot Lunaire, his own interpretive skills were noticed. Bruce was â€Å"dominating everything- practically living the part†. Bruce then worked with Glen Tetley, he discovered that â€Å"the motive for the movement comes from the centre of the body†¦ from this base we use classical ballet as an extension to give wider range and variety of movement† In 1977 he was appointed associate director of the company and was its associate choreographer from 1979-87, he created over twenty works for the company. Between 1986-91 he acted as associate choreographer also for London Festival Ballet, later ENB, and resident choreographer for Houston Ballet in 1989. In 1994 he became artistic director for RDC. Often political in his work, he integrates classical ballet and modern dance, often set against popular music by artists like Bob Dylan, Rolling Stones. His productions include ‘Cruel Garden’, 1977, ‘Ghost Dances’, 1981, ‘Swansong’, 1987, and ‘Rooster’, 1991. Influences Social and political themes emerge as naturally as a reflection of his own concerns, although his aim is always firstly to create a piece of dance, rather than to make a statement. Nevertheless, he does not see a conflict between creating interesting movement and tackling difficult issues. He believes that there is much beauty in Ghost Dances and similar works. Bruce is typically known for using themes that focus on personal or political issues. He has created abstract pieces but even these have a strong undercurrent of emotion. Bruce uses a wide range of starting points, particularly poetry, literature, music, newspaper articles and world events. For example ‘†¦for those who die in cattle’ reflects his views and concerns of war, ‘rooster’ is his idea of relationships, ‘swansong’ is probably one of his most moving and emotional pieces and tackles the very serious issue of torture. His views on the general human condition are portrayed in ‘waiting’. Throughout his career, Christopher has been a strong supporter of Amnesty International’s ideas and through his choreography he has voiced his concerns for society, the persecuted and victims of a wide range of human rights abuses. Time and again he has returned to these themes and in his most recent work â€Å"grinning in your face†, these concerns are articulated as powerfully as ever. The Arts have an important role to play in exploring social issues and dance can be seen as the most human of the Arts as it is based on the body. The image of the tortured prisoner from â€Å"swansong† or the unjust imprisonment of Reuben Carter, in â€Å"Hurricane† are far more powerful than mere words can ever be. Video extracts of Christopher’s work have been used to reinforce talks about human rights abuse. In the 1970’s the focus for Bruce was South America and Pinochet’s bloody coup against the elected Allende government in Chile. He was deeply moved on the meeting of Joan Jara, who was tortured and murdered by Pinochets forces. This meeting lead him to choreograph, Ghost Dances. He took the theme of the day of the dead, simple symbolism and indigenous dance movements as a basis to convey the plight of the innocent people of South American down the ages and their courage in the face of adversity. Certainly, Ghost Dances has a tremendous impact and audiences in many countries have delighted in its distinctive, rhythmic movement performed to haunting American tunes. However, it is the representation of the oppression of ordinary people, symbolised by the sinister ghost figures, which give the work much of its resonance. On the evidence of ghost dances, swansong, and cruel garden  (about the death of Lorca at the hands of the fascists in Spain), human rights themes have provided him with a strong source of inspiration. He remains a passionate advocate for the role of dance and the arts in society and believes that seeing good work and the chance to perform, either as an amateur or a professional, an not only enrich lives, but can also be civilising influence. Ghost dances It was created in 1981, and was influenced by the political oppression in Chile. The style was contemporary ballet blended with South American folk dance. The setting of Ghost Dances is a rocky Andean location suggesting the mouth of a cave. The colours (blue’s, greens and greys) of the backdrop were very effective and complimented the costumes and movement by adding to the eerie atmosphere. The whole stage was lit by a dim white light. The ‘dead’ wear everyday clothes, which are beginning to disintegrate. The Ghost Dancers appear as skeletal figures in striking skull masks. The piece is accompanied by Andiean folk music, with panpipes, guitars, and flutes. The tune is infectious, rhythmic and tuneful. The style of the choreography is sinuous and graceful, incorporating folk-dance influences. The Ghost dancers style of dance differs to the style of the ‘dead’. The Ghost dancers use very off balanced and angular Movements, there heads are the main key I think to making their dancing look as threatening as it does, they move them very quickly and sharply in unison and it creates a very menacing effect. The ‘dead’, on the other hand are very free flowing and graceful, their posture is very open chested and balletic with very neat but complex footwork. I loved this piece and the skills used to perform it. The fluid motion alongside traditional Chilean folkdance was original and inspiring to watch, it was a very moving piece and had a big impact on me because of the real life issues behind it. Swansong This piece was created in 1987 and was influenced by the fate of political  prisoners, the style was contemporary ballet and the prisoner’s movements were based on the idea of a swan. The piece is generally based around the fate of political prisoners and their need to break free. Swansong is a deliberately disturbing dance showing a victim being tortured by a variety of means, although there is no actual violence on stage. It shows both the aggressive and sadistic element of interrogation, and how brainwashing, humiliation and playing with emotions can all be part of a long, nerve- racking game. In combining vaudevillian humour, balletic virtuosity, and contempory dance expressionism with such a serious theme, he seeks to create work that can be appreciated at a number of levels by a broad audience. The three dancers are costumed archetypally and very much resembled the set, it was all very simplistic, with the prisoner in just a plain t-shirt and jeans and the two guards a re wearing vaguely militaristic khaki trousers and short- sleeved shirts could be viewed as policemen, soldiers, or guards. Programme notes have tended neither to give names to the characters nor to specify roles – choosing instead to simply list the cast and allow audiences to make their own interpretation. The prisoner uses a very graceful and flowing style of dance whilst in contrast the two guards dance in a modern, camp manner, highlighting even more the separation and difference between the guards and prisoner. The simplicity of the staging and ambiguity of the characters lends weight to its universality. The action could be taking place anywhere in the world. The stage is dark and bare with the exception of a single wooden chair lit starkly from above, indicating perhaps a single bulb-hanging overhead in an otherwise empty room. There are seven sections in swansong; each has a different theme and style.  ·Section 1, questions and answers. Throughout the first section the dance suggests the interrogators and victim playing a game of cat and mouse, the dance changing from trios to brief duets and solo’s. in the duets the interrogators dance in unison, performing the same material one after the other or slightly varying the steps to attack their victim.  ·Section 2, tea for two. The section section begins with another interrogation session during which the second interrogator walks round his seated victim, and this time the victim taps out ‘answers’ but in a defiant  mood. The interrogators change tatics.  ·Section 3, first solo. The third section is a solo for the victim alone on the stage and it is more lyrical both in music and movement than the proceding sections. It contrasts with the torture previously shown, appearing to be a cry of frustration and anger at the victim’s situation as well as evoking his urge for freedom.  ·Section 4, slow trio. The victim immediately tenses and flinches as the first interrogator reaches towards him, and then relaxes when he is not harmed. No questions are asked. Again the opening sequence is performed twice but at the end of the chair is moved so that the victim cannot return to it. This becomes a recurring theme of this dance; the victims chair is repeatedly pulled away from under him or placed just beyond his reach. He is pushed and thrown around, the effect of the violence is in slow motion. The victim curls defensively on the floor and is uncurled by the second interrogator and the torture continues.  ·Section 5, second solo without accompaniment. Although this section repeats dance motifs from the first solo such as the jumps and arabesques suggestive of flight, it is generally more mimetic. The victim lifts the chair onto his back to make it appear he is carrying a huge weight on his shoulders. He then stands facing the audience staring through the bars of the chair, then he appears to crumble in frustration and the solo ends with his ankles trapped in the bars of the chair as if fetted.  ·Section 6, cane dance. The progression of the piece shows a build up of abuse and humility of the prisoner till the final section where the prisoner performs his last solo, his ‘swansong’. Rooster This piece was created in 1992 and in contrast to my other two chosen pieces  is influenced by the Rolling stones; the dance is based on the theme and context of the music. It is danced in a contemporary ballet style blended with modern dance to match the music. The set is a clear stage with naturalistic lighting and a white spotlight. The women wear black skirts, tops and tights and the men wear black trousers and a skirt, a red dress is worn only in one number and that is ‘ruby Tuesday’. The whole piece is danced to rolling stones music ranging from upbeat fast and rocky numbers to slower more relaxed music. The theme of each song in ‘rooster’ reflects the character that is dancing it, none of the dances are linked, and each section occurs simply because of the different songs that are used, this helps to create an episodic structure. The tempo of the music dictates the style of dance; the faster tracks are modern and contemporary whilst the slower ones are more balletic. This piece does not present a great deal of emotional involvment with the audience; it is simply based on the theme and context of the music. You can see this by the fact that the dancers, the style of dance and the music purely dictate the song. A Time line of dance works which have been choreographed and produced by Christopher Bruce  ·1969 George Frederic  ·1972 ‘†¦for those who die as cattle’  ·1974 Weekend  ·1975 Ancient voices of children  ·1976 Black Angels  ·1976 Promenade  ·1977 Cruel Garden  ·1981 Village Sounds  ·1981 Ghost Dances  ·1984 Sergeant early’s dream  ·1984 Intimate Pages  ·1985 Silence is the end of our song  ·1985 Land  ·1987 The dream is over  ·1987 Swansong  ·1989 Symphony in three movements  ·1990 Journey  ·1992 Rooster  ·1995 Meeting point Section B Producing our own piece of choreography in the style of Christopher Bruce in groups. How has the work of the choreographer influenced and inspired my own performance and choreography? I chose Christopher Bruce because of the influences behind his choreography, the real life human rights issues that through symbolism he has transferred this into dance. He has successfully brought more awareness to serious issues that most people would not be aware of because it is not going on in  this country. The fact that this affects Bruce personally is very inspiring, as his pieces have real meaning and thought behind them. The three works by Christopher Bruce that I have chosen to study are ‘ghost dancers’ and ‘swansong’ because of the political human rights issues that influenced them and ‘rooster’ because it was a contrast to the other two as its influence was the celebration of the Rolling Stones music. I thought these pieces complimented each other well to evaluate as each bears a large variation of accessible motifs, images and sequences of movement that I could re- interpret in my choreography in the style of Christopher Bruce. As it gave me the opportunity to analyse a variety of influences and issues behind the three pieces. Choreographic notes We choreographed a piece for a trio in the style of ‘rooster’. The set was clear other than three chairs that were used within the dance. We were dressed all in black and wore red scarfs round our necks. The lighting of the set was dark red.